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New Moon in Gemini

Today we welcome the New Moon! As the Moon & Sun meld together to start a new cycle of light, this is a time to manifest new beginnings & reflect on your life path. The New Moon is usually invisible to us on Earth, or will slowly shy in view as a thin crescent of light. With this occurrence only happening once a month, it is a literal & spiritual symbol of the beginning of a new cycle. With that being said, now is the time to set new intentions that we can work towards & manifest, to watch unfold as the Moon waxes towards its full illumination.

When we connect to the Lunar Phases ... It gives us as beings a sense of direction, guidance, grounding, & a connection to our spirituality & the Divine!

The New Moon for this month is in the Zodiac Air Sign of Gemini. This is the last New Moon of Spring, as Summer Solstice is right around the corner! Consider this as time for a fresh start … Embrace the New Moon energy of new beginnings & start to find clarity on what it is you want for yourself with the new season.

The energy of Gemini brings us the push we need to clear our old patterns or self destructive mentalities. You are being encouraged to create new positive thoughts & affirmations for yourself to work towards stronger mental habits. The sign of Gemini is giving us the opportunity to live our lives in a healthier way - physically, spiritually, mentally, & emotionally. Consider shifting your perspective on how you communicate with yourself & others. It is time to shake any negative illusions & focus on your inner perspective to truly reach your highest being!

Welcome the New Moon in Gemini energy with a simple ritual! Below are some of my personal favorites…

  • Use the sacred element of Fire & Smoke to Cleanse your Space! You can do this using any smudging tools such as: Incense, Sage, Smudge Blends, or Copal Cones.

  • Create a Crystal Grid using crystals that align with what you are wanting to manifest for yourself! Try using Rose Quartz for Love of any kind, Amethyst for Spirituality, Tiger’s Eye for Confidence, Obsidian for Protection, Jade for Prosperity, Chakra Stones for Chakra Balancing, or whatever crystals you feel called to use.

  • Wear your Crystals! Connect with the energy of the stones by allowing the stones to touch your skin. The more you wear it, the more your spiritual & physical body gets accustomed to the crystal's energy & gives you the opportunity to reap its benefits throughout your day.

  • Spend time relaxing! Taking time to ourselves is always necessary in order to keep moving forward. Try having a self care day - practice a spiritual bath, give yourself a facial, take a nap, read your favorite book, etc.

  • Meditate! This can look unique & individual to everyone as there is no right or wrong way to do this practice. Regardless, take some moments of mindfulness for yourself, your body, & your mind. Incorporate spiritual tools such as meditation oils, prayer shawls or mats, crystals, sound healing, or more to further engage in tapping into your inner spiritual self.

  • Light a candle! This can be your favorite scented candle or this can be a colored ceremony candle to truly highlight what your intentions will be for this new cycle. Remember each colored candle has a different meaning!

  • Journal or simply write down any new plans, goals, or ideas! This simple act can work wonders & puts the thought into the physical world. Write a few things that truly call to you down on a small piece of paper, fold it up & write your signature on it. Carry this around with you for the next few days in your pocket, purse, wallet, etc.

  • Connect with Nature! You can never go wrong with wanting to spend some time with the Earth. Grounding yourself in nature is a wonderful way to find any guidance or direction you may be lacking.

Happy New Moon! Blessings of Love & Light ~

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