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Autumn Equinox

Today we celebrate the Autumn Equinox! An equinox is the time when the sun crosses the celestial equator, making day & night approximately of equal length. The Autumn Equinox also marks the first official day of the fall season. This is now when we will experience shorter days, colder temperatures, & plant life beginning to slow down.

Here is a Free Gift for You! Your Guide to the Autumn Equinox: Click Here

Spiritually, our body & senses can feel the change of the season, even before we see the seasonal change with our eyes. Many ancient Indigenous cultures believed that the four seasonal changes that occur throughout the year, are not just physical changes we experience in our environment, but on our spiritual journey as well. This is recognized as Earth-based wisdom, & that each Solstice & Equinox illuminates a new stage within our spiritual path. This can be considered to be a spiritual cycle that each individual encounters within their inner self.

Autumn is a time to appreciate the harvest, both literal & spiritual, to pause, reflect & find a sense of balance. By saying spiritual harvest, we are referring to the sacred spiritual seeds of our goals, dreams, efforts, & intentions. Part of celebrating the Equinox is by acknowledging the growth & transformation of our organic being, our spiritual self. Just as our environment changes, so do our lives - We go collectively through cycles of growth, transformation, harvest, death, & rebirth. By honoring ourselves, not only do we acknowledge our own growth & light within, but the ancient wisdom that our ancestors have passed down to us for generations.

The Harvest Moon of the Autumn Season is right around the corner, don’t miss our Wisdom Circle where we will discuss & learn about fall astrology, tarot, & full moon magic.

Some cultures observe the Equinox by celebrating Mabon, a pagan holiday. The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, who was the son of the Mother Earth Goddess. Mabon traditions are a time to give thanks for the abundance of Mother Earth, & the bountiful harvest she provides to all life for nourishment. Part of the world is celebrating Ostara - as everytime there is a Mabon, there is an Ostara. Mabon is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere, while Ostara is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere. Some traditional celebrations of this holiday include apple picking, setting up altars, feasting with loved ones, personal rituals for balance, or making cornucopias with produce as an offering to the Gods.

The word Equinox comes from Latin origin, meaning “equality of night & day.” Recognizing this duality can help us find a sense of balance within our lives & within ourselves, because it is duality that makes us whole. We can connect to this harmony by spending time in nature, honoring the earth, & bringing balance & harmony into our being.

Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox:

  • Charge your Crystals at Sunset or Sunrise

  • Spend time in nature to admire the seasonal change

  • Have a time of reflection, accepting what needs to be released from your life

  • Come up with a plan on how to balance your time & energy

  • Create an Altar with seasonal symbols such as the sun or autumnal colors

  • Find time for meditation or mindfulness to connect with Mother Earth & center your energy

  • Go apple picking or to a pumpkin patch

  • Cook seasonal foods to celebrate the harvest

  • Light some candles, seasonal scents are great or ceremonial candles for intentions

  • Declutter & cleanse your home of stagnant energy

  • Make a Gratitude List to acknowledge all the things you are thankful for

  • Make a fall wreath with autumnal colors & leaves

Which Crystals to Work with:

  • Smokey Quartz for a sense of balance & grounding

  • Tiger’s Eye for mental clarity & introspection

  • Citrine for the conscious balance of light

  • Lapis Lazuli for a tranquil mind & increased creativity

  • Rhodonite to connect with the Earth & its seasonal change

  • Aventurine to revitalize the spirit & welcome new beginnings

  • Clear Quartz for clarity & a sense of optimism

Affirmations for You:

  • “As the seasons change, So do I, & I accept the transformation that comes with it.”

  • “The new season will bring me growth, harmony, opportunity, success, joy, & abundance.”

  • “I believe in Divine timing, & Everything meant to be in my life comes at exactly the right time.”

  • “I’m starting each day of Autumn with gratitude.”

  • “I allow myself to feel my emotions & stay tuned into my thoughts & feelings.”

  • “I am grounded & mindfully present in every moment.”

  • “I walk into this new season letting go of anything that no longer serves me.”

  • “I trust that I am right where I need to be right now & that anything I want to happen will happen when the time is right.”

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