This Fall Equinox brings us the opportunity of love and light in our lives. Indigenous cultures understood the four focal points of the year as earth-based wisdom: the Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, and Autumn Equinox; illuminated stages of an inner spiritual journey – a spiritual cycle that the individual takes within themselves. In honor of this special day, we have created a sacred ritual for you all to perform:
To the North:
What tasks have you not completed?
What parts of your body need healing?
To the West:
How can you go deeper into your intuitive knowledge?
Are you taking care of yourself and your mind?
To the East:
How are you bringing openness into your life?
Are you willing to be open to change?
To the South:
How do you feel about your current relationships?
What is your relationship to self-love?
Repeat to the Earth: "I honor the light in you that is the love of all things, without your existence, the light of the Universe would dim, and all of existence would miss you."