Tonight is the New Moon in the water sign Cancer! In addition to being the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer brings us into the summer season! This sign is the natural domain of the Moon, so the moon is very content in Cancer. We have created a ritual honoring the four elements for you to perform tonight for this occasion.

Materials Needed:
Earth - Crystals
Fire - Candle
Air: Incense, White Sage, and Feather
Water: Stone Carved Bowl
Fill your altar up with these 4 elements, then use astrology to guide you through this ritual. You can use the energy of this sign to inspire and guide you as you create your new moon ritual full of manifesting. Each sign will be represented by different colors, crystals, and aromas you can add to your altar. Meditate for ten minutes with your altar filled with the four elements and cleanse your space while manifesting.
Blessings of Love & Light!