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Sacred Seeds of Reciprocity: A Gathering of Wisdom, Intention, and Connection

Sacred Seeds of Reciprocity: A Gathering of Wisdom, Intention, and Connection

We warmly invite you to join LeeAnn Hill, Emigdio Ballon, & special guest Grandmother Flordemayo for our Seed Bundle Gathering —hosted by Kim Langbecker and Heather, Grandmother Flordemayo’s daughter. Together, we’ll gather and explore the profound world of seeds. Each gathering offers a sacred space for us to connect, share, & learn from seed elders, guest speakers, & each other. Bring your questions, ideas, curiosities, & experiences to enrich our conversations and celebrate the spirit of seeds. When we care for seeds, they care for us. Like us, seeds need favorable conditions & nurturing to reach their fullest potential. In turn, they nourish & heal us, creating an endless bounty for future generations. This is the sacred spiral of seeds—from their source, spiraling outward to support all life on Earth. Our gatherings are a project of The Path, a non-profit organization nestled on 40 acres in Estancia, New Mexico, where Grandmother Flordemayo’s Seed Temple & Sacred Temples for Humanity are lovingly cared for with the support of people like you. We thank you for your contributions & blessings. We are honored to continue our Seed Exchange initiative in 2025, centered on Sacred Reciprocity: Mutual & Boundless Gifts through Sacred Exchange. Together, may we honor the power and beauty of seeds as they sustain and connect us. You can also purchase a Seed Bundle from The Path with a suggested donation of $25 and $8 shipping for a price of $33 - please email Heather at Sacred Seed Bundle Ceremony - This Sacred Seed Bundle Ceremony is a powerful way to set intentions, honor nature’s cycles, and connect with the wisdom of seeds. Each bundle is a symbol of gratitude, love, and hope for the future. This ceremony represents the sacred spiral of life. As we nurture our intentions & dreams, we embody a collective hope and respect for nature’s gifts. The Sacred Seed Bundle is a powerful reminder of our connection to the earth & each other.
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