Egg Divination
Service Description
The egg divinationcan be done anytime. I am offering this outside of the family for the first time ever. Oomancy, or using eggs to interpret the future, has existed since the 17th century in many cultures. Cultures worldwide, from Southeast Asia to Latin America, have relied on eggs to unscramble the mysteries of the future. One method you may have heard about is the “Venus glass,” which may have its roots in Scotland. I will read your egg 24 hours after it is placed into the water and put on the altar; she will watch what shapes form as the proteins denature. Much like tea leaf- reading or tasseomancy, the resulting shapes offer clues into the coming year. My ~ Don {gift, or talent} that has been handed down in my family is divination, and I have been assisting my Mom with private sessions and doing Mayan Cosmic Charts.
Contact Details
Boise, Idaho, USA