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The Power of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a powerful spice in a light workers cabinet. Cinnamon is known to bring abundance, wealth, prosperity and good fortune. It also has the ability to ward off negative emotions and energy, creating a barrier of protection during difficult times. This spice is essential when wanting to make manifestations of any kind come to life.

Cinnamon brings intense emotions of encouragement, lifting one to live life to the fullest and reach their highest potential. It introduces stability, power, nurturement, passion, motivation and inspiration into one’s life. Cinnamon is very powerful and full of energy when it comes to its spiritual properties. It represents the element of fire, and carries the warmth of the sun; all while encouraging work of the root, sacral and solar chakras.

It is said that cinnamon is one of the best herbs for purification. This is because it is pure (from the earth), natural and has sacred features giving it the ability to cleanse out any negative energy or bad spirits. The purification properties that cinnamon carries also makes it a powerful protection tool. It is seen as a way to consecrate oneself. Its sacredness and purity makes it essential; it creates a barrier of protection and shields one from anything that is impure. Keeping cinnamon around the home or carrying it around will create a defensive aura, keeping one safe.

The energy cinnamon carries is so strong, it can even increase one's psychic abilities. Having cinnamon around or adding it into one's everyday routine and rituals, will heighten intuition and bring clarity. It can amplify and stimulate one's magical abilities, bringing one more awareness.

Cinnamon is most commonly known for its characteristic of drawing in wealth and prosperity. Burning cinnamon sticks or using cinnamon in rituals, will attract luck and abundance. The belief of this comes from the olden days, when cinnamon was considered a gift because it was sacred, rare and expensive; some even considered it to be a treasure!

All aspects of cinnamon have its power. The warmth of cinnamon attracts positive spirits, while the pleasing smell attracts good luck and brings immense mental clarity, allowing one to balance their emotions and find stability. The connection this spice has to magic makes it a beautiful and sacred tool to use in rituals or spiritual healing. The purity and energy it brings will deliver uplifting support and direction to achieve what it is that one desires. Cinnamon is the key to making one’s manifestations a reality. Bringing purity, protection, fortune and prosperity makes this herb a must have in every one's practices.

Here is a basic Cinnamon Ritual you can do at home!

The Salt & Cinnamon Hand Washing Ritual

What you will need:

  • Ground Cinnamon

  • Salt (any kind will work)

  • A sink

1. This ritual is best practiced on the first day of the month, OR the first Sunday of the month

2. Begin by placing your hands under running warm water in the sink

3. While the water runs over your hands, say the following

“Creator, Spirit Guides & Ancestors:

I ask that you cut & clear all obstacles from my path,

I ask that you wash all blocks from these palms,

& welcome abundance through & to these hands.

May I never have less & always more,

May I be fruitful enough to bless myself & those around me,

May the love, light & blessings surround us all.”

4. After saying this aloud, remove your hands from the running water - but do not dry your hands

5. Pour about a teaspoon of salt & a teaspoon of cinnamon into your palms

6. You will begin to rub your hands with this mixture, creating it almost into a scrub

7. Start with the right hand, then your left - rubbing your hands together continuously

8. When rubbing your hands, make the effort to make the movement of rubbing inward - towards yourself instead of away. The key to this is the intention of wanting to bring abundance into our hands, not away from us

9. Continue to speak the intention aloud while rubbing,

“May I never have less & always more,

May I be fruitful enough to bless myself & those around me,

May the love, light & blessings surround us all.”

10. Do this motion with your hands about 8 times - if you miscount or do not feel called to the number 8, do any amount of times as long as it is an even number

11. Once you have completed these steps, you may now wash the scrub off of your hands with warm water - once more chanting

“Creator, Spirit Guides & Ancestors:

I ask that you cut & clear all obstacles from my path,

I ask that you wash all blocks from these palms,

& welcome abundance through & to these hands.

May I never have less & always more,

May I be fruitful enough to bless myself & those around me,

May the love, light & blessings surround us all.”

12. After rinsing, do not dry your hands - let them air dry

13. Be intentional and mindful of your thoughts while you wait for the drying phase to be over

14. Once your hands have completely dried, the ritual is complete - now would be a great time to journal the things you are grateful for and what it is that you want to manifest next

Journal Prompt Ideas:

  • What is abundance to you?

  • Is prosperity only about being financially free? Is it about growing spiritually or becoming a happier person?

  • Could it be about achieving better relationships and communication with loved ones?

  • What is your sense of prosperity?

  • What are you grateful for now?

  • What does your spirituality mean to you?

  • Do you think you are meant to find your purpose in life? Or is your purpose supposed to find you?

  • What gives your life meaning today?

Love, Light & Blessings!

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