Making a staff for use in the woods or for use in magical rituals can be a fun project for any age!

What you will need:
Wood that is the proper height (any wood that feels good for you)
Pocket knife or knife
Wood Stain
Candles to bless your staff
Step 1:
Collect the wood for your staff. An ideal walking staff should go up to your chin in length.
Step 2:
Remove any bark or notches that are on the stick.
Step 3:
Seal with wood stain. If you want to give your staff a clean and durable finish, stain it with a good wood finish or wipe the stain. Typically, you should do a few coats, wiping on a thin layer evenly, then wiping it off and applying more layers. Do at least 3, and do more coats to achieve a darker stain.
Step 4:
Charge or bless your staff. Put your lit candles around the staff and set positive intentions.
Blessings of Love and Light,
Grandmother Flordemayo